Adobe Certified Instructor, Photoshop CC

The digital age has opened up photography and design to the masses like never before and whether for business or pleasure, print or the web – all of those images need to be processed, prepared, and stored appropriately for their end use.

Following its introduction in 1990, Photoshop® rapidly became the industry standard application for image editing and compositing. With each new version Adobe® have added a wealth of features and no matter how well layed out the user interface is, or how intuituve these features are, it is easy to overlook an advancement that could improve your creativity and workflow.

Whatever your needs you can rest assured you will be getting the best training thanks to over a decade's experience of delivering IT training combined with over with over two decade's of photographic experience, including:

  • negative, trasparency, and digital work in a variety of formats,
  • darkroom and commercial lab work,
  • hand retouching,
  • digital photo restoration,
  • and image preparation for web and print.

Don't take my word for it though, as an Adobe Certified Instructor, Photoshop, you can be sure that Adobe themselves have verified my knowledge and monitor my performance as an instructor.

If you're interested receiving Photoshop® training for photographers, web design, or to discuss bespoke training, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Steffan Nicholson
Adobe Certified Instructor, Photoshop CC